Author: Jennifer Silva


Jennifer Silva has been a news editor at for over two years. She has a degree in journalism from the University of South Florida and is passionate about writing and reporting the news.

Relaxed straight hair can be a gorgeous sight to behold. Its silky texture and glossy finish can elevate any look, making you feel like you just walked out of a salon. However, without proper care and maintenance, this beautiful hair type can quickly become damaged and lose its luster. Whether you’re wearing your own relaxed hair or opting for natural hair extensions, taking steps to prevent damage is crucial. Here’s a guide to keeping your relaxed straight hair looking and feeling its best. Natural Hair Extensions: The Smart Choice for Versatility Natural hair extensions provide a fantastic option for those…

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Bicycle accidents can be frightening and disorienting experiences, especially considering the vulnerability of cyclists on the road. In the event of a bicycle accident in Florida, it’s crucial to know the immediate steps to take to ensure your safety, well-being, and legal rights are protected. This article outlines the essential actions to be taken after a bicycle accident, guiding you through the necessary procedures to handle the situation effectively. 1. Ensure Safety First Immediately after a bicycle accident, prioritize your safety and the safety of others involved. Move to a safe location away from traffic if possible. Turn on your…

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In the digital age, having a website is practically a rite of passage for businesses. But what’s the use of a website if nobody can find it? That’s where Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, comes into play. The goal of SEO is to improve your website’s visibility in search engine rankings, allowing more potential customers to find you. When you adopt solid SEO strategies, you can ensure that your business’ website has a better chance of attracting potential consumers. In this article, we’ll delve into 10 actionable tips to make your website more visible to search engines using surefire SEO…

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Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) have the broadest scope of expertise among advanced practice registered nursing professionals. They are equipped to provide primary care to patients of all ages, from infants to older adults over 100 years. To enhance an exciting career that offers job satisfaction, variety and autonomy and stand out in this profession, you must go beyond the basic skills you learned in school and develop certain essential habits and traits. Whether you’re just beginning your nursing career or trying to improve your skills as a seasoned professional, there are some vital tips that can help you succeed. Let’s…

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The core component of website optimization is on-page SEO. This includes keyword research to ensure your site is mobile-friendly and fast. Search engines and users expect web pages to load quickly and be mobile-friendly. Fortunately, these are simple things you can quickly improve through on-page optimization. Keywords The keywords you use to optimize your website and web pages help search engines connect users with the content they want. This is why choosing your keywords wisely and tracking them regularly is essential to see their performance. An excellent way to do this is using a tool like Ahrefs. Having a better…

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Antimicrobial-resistant infections are becoming more common today. According to a recent study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), close to two million people in the USA alone suffer from bacterial infections, leading to 23,000 deaths each year. Healthcare facilities grapple with the devastating effects of drug-resistant bacteria, commonly known as superbugs. With antibiotic resistance on the rise, healthcare facilities need innovative topical antibiotics like Vitastem to reduce their deadly effects. 1. Understanding Antimicrobial-Resistant Infections Infections are caused by microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. Antibiotic-resistant infections like staph & MRSA are caused by bacteria that occur naturally…

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The Forex market is one of the most stable systems. Many traders have already been able to become a part of this world and receive great benefits through an online trading platform. But others are wondering what could go wrong and what needs to be done to succeed. Certain mistakes can prevent traders from achieving their investment goals. Experts say that the most serious mistake of a novice user is too emotional approach. Experienced traders are able to cope with their feelings and make decisions based only on statistics and analytics. From this error, the second most important immediately follows…

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Your kitchen requires a set of quintessential cookware, for each brings with it unique qualities and benefits to make cooking convenient and enjoyable. For example, a kadai might not be useful where a saucepan would be and vice versa. Having said that, missing out on cookware, like the humble saucepan, is a story many recite, especially from the days of setting up their very first kitchen, and when they decide to buy one, they are torn between the numerous options available in the market. Some might remain unconvinced for they might not be well versed with its uses. If you…

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When you surf the Internet, your data is associated with your Internet Protocol or IP address. This allows governments, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and cybercriminals to snoop on your activity. VPNs prevent encroachments on privacy and allow users to keep their browsing history, device information, and geographic location private. They also help employees working remotely connect to corporate resources and bypass geographically blocked content. Decryption When you connect to the Internet, all your online activities are associated with your device’s IP address. Cybercriminals looking to steal your data or exploit your devices for malware can easily access this information. VPNs…

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The internet has transformed the way we live, work, and possibilities to make money. For those looking to generate income online, the digital age offers an array of opportunities to make money online. Whether you’re hoping to supplement your income or are looking for a full-time gig, here you can find best ways to profit from the internet: 1. Stock and Forex Trading This method is same as gambling in online casinos but you can make money if you have the knowledge and initial capital, trading stocks or foreign currencies can be lucrative. However, it’s essential to understand the risks…

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